
Home of TKT: The world's first Slack-native, Linux-CLI-style bug exterminator

27,045 Bugs Sent to Hell — $7,209.32 Paid in Blood Money
Slash Bugs, Not Budgets.
tkt@bughell:~$ tkt --help

TKT: The Slack-Native Terminal Bug-Slaying Demon

Why choose TKT over JIRA & other PM bloatware:

  • Lightweight: No more waiting for pages to load, TKT runs where you already work - in Slack
  • Developer-First: Created by developers who hate context switching
  • Terminal-Based: Use familiar command patterns without leaving your workflow
  • Lightning Fast: Create, assign and close tickets with simple commands
  • Zero Bloat: No fancy graphs, useless metrics or excessive fields
  • Actually Helpful: Focus on fixing bugs, not managing a complicated tool

Get started with tkt create and slay those bugs without the project management overhead.

What is TKT?

TKT is a terminal daemon that lives in Slack, charging per kill (PPK) based on how long your bugs have lived.

No more seat taxes. No more bloated tools. Just a simple CLI to send your bugs straight to hell.

TKT isn't a SaaS app. It's a pocket-sized Unix for dev teams.
cat about
Bug Hell.

TKT is not a bug tracker.
TKT is the price of unfinished work.

Stop Paying for Asses in Seats.
Start Paying for Dead Bugs.

Notion is the tool you use if you want your startup to feel like a tech blog.

Linear is the tool you use if you want your startup to feel like a venture-backed sci-fi SaaS cult.

TKT is the tool you use if you want your startup to feel like a small team of bitter, sleep-deprived motherfuckers dragging demons back to hell.

The TKT Philosophy

Every bug is a daemon. Every daemon has a lifespan. The longer it lives, the more it costs to kill. Pay in blood.

The longer a bug lives, the more it costs.

Kill Bugs. Pay in Blood. Join the Cult.

cat pricing
Pay Per Kill™.

Pricing: Pay-Per-Kill (PPK)

Age of Bug at Death Price in USD
1 Hour $0.24
1 Day $0.73
1 Week $1.10
1 Month $1.38
1 Year $1.87
47 billion years $6.66

There is no price cap.

There are no seats.

There is only time.

Calculate Your Bug's Price

The pricing formula:

\[ \text{cost} = \$0.1 + \left(0.9 \times \frac{\log(1+\text{hours})}{\log(101)}\right) \]
Estimated cost: $0.24


/stats Command

Every team gets their own leaderboard.

grep hope ./tkt
No results found.

Even if your bug outlives every developer who ever touched the codebase...

Even if it survives the heat death of the universe...

Even if it lives on for 47 billion more years.

It would only cost $6.66 to send it to hell.

So don't worry about your backlog.

TKT Command Reference

user@workspace:~$ tkt --help

TKT: The Slack-native, Linux-CLI-style bug exterminator

/tkt <message>
    Report a bug to bug hell

/ls [--all | --mine]
    List all unassigned bugs (default)
    --all: Show all bugs
    --mine: Show only bugs assigned to you

/tk <tkt-id>
    Bug is now yours (take/claim)

/ko <tkt-id> [msg]
    Kill the bug (close) with optional message

/up <tkt-id> [message | -p <priority> -a <@user> -s <status> -t <title>]
    Update ticket information
    -p: Set priority level
    -a: Assign to user
    -s: Change status
    -t: Update title

/ds <tkt-id>
    Dissect bug (show details)

/grep <pattern> [-g <generate>]
    Search for pattern in bug hell
    -g: Generate regex from user query (for noobs)

/cat <tkt-id>
    Dump raw ticket JSON for debugging (lol)

Simple. Powerful. Deadly (to bugs).

No bloat. No fluff. Just pure bug extermination.

Regex Generation Example

Don't know regex? No problem. Let TKT generate it for you with the -g flag:

tkt@bughell:~$ grep -g "find all bugs with 'memory leak' in the title"

Generated regex: /.*memory\s+leak.*/i

Running search...

Found 3 results.

Natural language to regex conversion. Because life's too short to learn regex syntax.

Choose Your Pact

Pact Description Who Will Choose This
Seat Tax Pay per user The weak
Pay-Per-Kill (PPK) Pay for what you slay The righteous

Join the Blood Pact